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par Margakimbu
Hey there, fellow forum peeps! I'm new here and stumbled upon this post about a cool app for Spotify users called Spotistats. It sounds like a great way to track your listening history and get insights into your music taste.Speaking of Spotify, have any of you guys heard of how to make a Spotify artist account? It's a great way to promote your music on the platform and get more exposure. I found this post on the songlifty webpage that explains how to set up an artist profile on Spotify.Anyway, back to Spotistats. I love how it gives you access to your entire Spotify listening history and provides stats on your track, artist, and album preferences. It's always interesting to see what kind of music you listen to and how your tastes change over time
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par Margakimbu
Spotistats does indeed sound like a cool app for Spotify users. It's always fascinating to dive into your listening history and discover your music preferences. As for creating a Spotify artist account, it's an excellent way for musicians to promote their music. Checking out the songlifty webpage you mentioned is a great idea for step-by-step guidance. If you're interested in more insights into Spotify and music streaming, you might want to explore It can provide you with valuable information and tips about enhancing your Spotify experience.
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par mantrain
Spotistats does sound like a fantastic tool for Spotify users, offering insights into listening habits and music preferences. As for creating a Spotify artist account, it's indeed a valuable step for musicians looking to promote their work and reach a broader audience more info. Checking out resources like the one on the songlifty webpage is a smart move for anyone considering this route.

Back to Spotistats, I agree—it's fascinating to delve into your music history and see how your tastes evolve. It's like having a personalized music diary! Thanks for sharing about Spotistats

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