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par Liam Davis
I plan to become a PPC specialist so I'm open to any information on the Google updates. I found an article entitled "How Does Google’s Update Affect PPC?" It was written by a PPC specialist. He stated that PPC is having more difficulty getting the highest quality score. The latest updates will make it difficult for PPC to be at the top of advertising products or services. PPC experts must do extra work to achieve the best results. However, it's worth it. Google updates are not going to make my profession any less challenging. I am comfortable with the challenges. As a specialist, I'll master the system. This may mean doing more work than anticipated but it's the only way out. Real challenges are what allow me to become a specialist and grow my skills. When advertising my services, I need to consider such factors like the frequency of keywords, the popularity and the quality of the landing page. PPC professionals know that nothing is impossible!
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