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Entraide à propos du système d'exploitation Linux / Unix.
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I love doing computers. It seems to me that this is what I do best in life. In 2019, I made a real breakthrough by installing myself Linux on my computer for the first time. In a fairly short period of time, I have already tried different distributions, such as Ubuntu, ArcoLinux, Deepin, Manjaro, ROSA, Arch, Debian and some others. Installing Linux on your computer is easy. Before that, I was on Windows and did not really want to try something else, because all programs are traditionally created under Windows. Now I have a fresh ArcoLinux with the latest kernel version. ArcoLinux is better than Ubuntu in that many of its programs are up to date. The only problem here is with Virtual Box and there is no Fluidsynth MIDI synthesizer, and everything works fine. ArcoLinux is better than Ubuntu in many ways, with higher quality and modern design. I use Linux to host my website and application projects. I wrote the source code for the Webshop project, a framework for creating and managing websites for newbies with a decentralized partition and account system, add-ons, packages and apps system, and typical social network features like likes, dislikes, online chats, and share the link by copying it to the clipboard. Webshop based projects include WChart, OpenCiv, Eurostyle and many more. Some sections of projects can also be separated from them and be independent. For some, you can create a repository on GitHub. I am interested in many things and try to learn everything and try everything in life. Who knows what it would have been if I hadn't learned about Linux and installed it just to see how it would work on my computer. routerlogin 192.168.l.l
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