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Hello everyone,,
Here I will need your advice!
I am looking for an external hard drive of about 250 GB, in order to place all the files on my PC!
So I would like one that, as long as it works, looks great on me.
That's why I'm looking for the cheapest one possible (if I can get a new one for 30-35 euros maximum that's not bad!)
Not knowing much about it, even if it means sounding like an idiot, I say it is a kind of big USB key that I'm looking for, but large volume (250 GB), and not what I could see some sites where DVDs are placed in it for whatever) so an external hard drive or I place my files in it using the USB port and therefore the cable supplied with it, in order to connect it to my PC if however I want to hand over some files (I'm afraid to sound like an idiot ^^)
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So, I have toured a lot of sites, with very varied prices!
And not knowing what to take I will need your help ^^

Thank you:)
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